
Inessa Rezanova

When Inessa Rezanova became a Tribe Porty member, it felt like she had always been there. We loved interviewing Inessa for Working for Progress and delving into her rich history in storytelling.  Inessa is a Ukrainian writer, creating and producing stories for more than 15 years now. Inessa started out as a TV screenwriter, doing a lot of documentaries, TV shows, and TV series, and then transitioned to writing and producing narratives for a mobile game developing company. Regardless of the industry, she stays committed to storytelling because she believes there is always a place and time for a good story. 

Whenever not pumping out pages of concepts, drafts, and scenes or creating characters, she tries to see as much of Scotland as possible these days. She’s always open to new recommendations, so feel free to drop her a message with your favourite places to see!

You can also find Inessa on LinkedIn.


Listen to the next episode of Working For Progress here.
