
Working For Progress with Briana Pegado

Today on Working For Progress we are joined by the fantastic Briana Pegado ahead of her first publication. Briana Pegado FRSA is an author, fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and festival founder with nearly a decade’s experience as an award- winning social entrepreneur in the creative industries in Scotland.

She works as an anti-racism, governance, and strategy consultant particularly in the creative industries. She has an MA Sustainable Development and is a trained Theta DNA Energy Healer. She is the former Co-Director of We Are Here Scotland, Creative Director of Fringe of Colour Films, OMOS Community Engagement Producer, and Director of Creative Edinburgh.

She is a member of the Collective Scotland, an intersectional feminist social policy and research collective. A central theme in her work is how disrupting systems, processes, sectors, and ways of thinking can facilitate positive change

You can now buy her new book: Make Good Trouble: A Guide to the Energetics of Disruption


Listen to the next episode of Working For Progress here.
