
Peter Stilliard

Peter Stilliard

How did you come to Tribe?
When I moved to Edinburgh in 2022, I was living in temporary accommodation and finding a place I could work and bring my dog Fred was great. I liked it so much I stayed on!

What makes you smile? 
Dogs, woods, playing music, birdsong, talking nonsense with friends, Father Ted…

What do you like about Tribe most?
Having a friendly place to work and feeling like part of the community here is really valuable. The atmosphere is the right mix between relaxed and busy and the extra activities like art club are great too.

What are you working on right now? 

Professionally, working on an ambitious plan applying Rewilding, Natural Flood Risk Management and Working with Natural Processes to an entire large river catchment in England and design of flood alleviation measures for a village. Personally, I’m continuing to learn to live with my mental health conditions as well as my creative pursuits of songwriting and learning new tunes for the Folk group I play with and gardening. 
