
Olivia Furness

Olivia Furness

How did you come to Tribe?
Word of mouth – Oi Musica was in need of new premises just as Tribe was expanding. Looking back, the timing was a real stroke of luck! We’re chuffed to be here.

What is your ‘job title”?
It varies! I’m Co-Director of Oi Musica, responsible for strategy & development, creating projects and general management of the organisation. I’m also Co-Director of the Encontro Street Band Festival, which has been running in Glasgow for 3 years now.

What makes you smile?
Daft dancing. Working with young people. Hearing distant music in the street and quickening my step to get closer to it. Only if it’s good though 😉

What do you like about Tribe most?
It’s a brilliant solution to the problem of finding an office/workspace for freelancers or small companies. A lot of love has gone into the look & feel of the building, and I find I’m really productive working here.

What are you working on right now? 
Oi Musica is running a training weekend next month, for street band leaders/educators and community music practitioners who work with brass. Co-Director Marcus and I are designing and timetabling the weekend together, and I’m setting up a ticketed gig for the Sunday afternoon – family-friendly and featuring live street band music, sharing of ideas & music from our training weekend and featuring our youth group Brass Blast.
