
Marcus Britton

Marcus Britton

How did you come to Tribe?

Oi Musica had struggled to find a home after a succession of temporary places followed an annoyingly predictable pattern – artists being kicked out of premises so that developers could build…  Anna Wood’s son Fergus used to play trombone with Brass Blast (our after-school street band club) so it was Anna who suggested that Tribe could be a new home for Oi Musica.

What makes you smile?

My boys Louis & Ivor. Dancing all night with old friends.  One of Oi Musica’s main aims is to encourage more people to get involved with and enjoy music, so our work is filled with lovely moments of when people discover new things about themselves through music / have a breakthrough on a musical instrument or learn to lose their inhibitions. So many smiley moments!

What do you like about Tribe most?

Tribe is the perfect place for me to escape the chaos of home life with young children and to arrive in a relaxed space where I can be creative, dream up our next projects and make noise in our soundproof room! And there’s always a friendly face to talk to over coffee & cake

What are you working on right now?

Right now I’m writing music collaboratively with a friend in Belgium for a new live show, devising a Halloween-themed musical warm-up game for Primary 7 pupils and learning to sing and play the ukulele 🙂

