


How did you come to Tribe?

I learnt to love co-working spaces at The Loft in Newington. Lovely people and a great space – but sadly the building was sold by its owner before we could get back into it following the last lockdown. But I got a good tip about Tribe from one of the guys who ran The Loft, and – as it happens – I took over a desk from Siggi, who’d also spent time at The Loft. Small world.

What makes you smile?
Tribe’s little family of laid back dogs – plus our own Mini Schnauzer, Milo. (At 11½ he still gives me the best hysterical welcome when I get home.) Also – any beach on Tiree, and every time I look up to see an out of order volcano in the middle of our city.

What do you like about Tribe most?
Really warm welcome. An amazing range of work and commitments being pursued around me. And it makes me look slightly cool, which isn’t easy. . .

What are you working on right now?
Lots of writing, editing and proofing – around residential child care, social work, hymn singing and a few other things. . . it’s varied! I’ve just taken on a salaried role for the first time in 17 years (which is weird) on a third sector, issues-based magazine (which is good). So I’m learning how to squeeze my other work around that.
