
Chris Hellawell

Chris Hellawell

How did you come to Tribe?
I met Dani on a social enterprise course a few years ago, and when the opportunity to set up our second workshop in Tribe, I jumped at the chance.

What makes you smile?
My family, our dog, Newcastle United winning.  Not necessarily always in that order, and not all of them occur that frequently.

What do you like about Tribe most?
I like that it feels homely.  From the decor to the thought put into curating the space, to the people in the space.  I also love the dogs.  Coworking spaces should all welcome dogs.

What are you working on right now?
I’m working on being a Dad, which is my most important job, and definitely the one I am most excited about.  In terms of ETL, I’m working on a platform to monitor and report our impact automatically, so we can demonstrate the value of a tool library to a particular community.  In the longer term, I want to develop a training programme to help other places feel the benefit of a community workshop and tool library.
