
An invitation to gather

An invitation to gather


Our ability to tell stories is a uniquely human trait and has always been present in humanity, from cave paintings to podcasts. It is one of the oldest forms of communication and has been used to teach, entertain and influence people for centuries. Sharing stories has always had connection at its core with the unique power to inspire and influence our emotions. 

In the modern world storytelling has perhaps lost one of its superpowers which is to gather us, together, in person. Storytelling in Marrakech has rich and ancient roots, there is an old saying,when a storyteller dies, the library burns”. The stories told in Marrakech only exist in the minds of their narrators who share them at gatherings and take their repertoire to the grave. I keep thinking back to this phrase, it has such depth and meaning but also captures the missing piece to the modern storytelling puzzle.



Stories are used to share our thoughts, feelings and experiences. Ultimately, we make sense of the world through the receiving and giving of stories. However, due to modern technology and the rise of social media apps we are now swamped with stories. At their core, this particular type of story strives to sell you another product, desire or lifestyle. We are in the breadth of an era of quick content, another flash of a story with each swipe. Nothing nourishing, just time spent. The outcome of this is that we are both desensitized and bored. Not only have we become over informed but the substance is missing. 

We’re all hungry for authentic connection. 



Most of the stories we consume in the modern day are recorded and can be listened to anytime, anywhere. They are often rehearsed and edited, this removes the reason or necessity to gather. A story told in person is in itself alive. The story will change from one telling to the next depending on the presence and mood of the storyteller.

“The presence of teller and audience, and the immediacy of the moment, are not fully captured by any form of technology”-Joseph Bruchac

We have had the pleasure of hosting poetry evenings here at Tribe. I am always struck by the mood and presence of the room. How the shared feeling and tension can quickly shift from laughter, to sorrow, to joy and hope. There is a direct and respectful spotlight on the reader with no distractions. There’s no elaborate scenery or props, just a room of like minded people. What we are left with is a collective experience. An experience that cannot be replicated or shared outside of the space. Telling stories leaves the audience with the gift of an empathetic and shared emotional response. The teller and the listener share and experience emotion in real time, a give and take of energy.

Sacred spaces for telling stories in person are rare and more important than ever. Live storytelling gives you the power to cut through the noise and make meaningful connections to both inspire and influence. Let’s slow down. Take some time to sit with us and share stories. 

“We tell stories because we are human. But we are also made more human because we tell stories”. –Amanda Gormon


The invitation

Tribe Porty is collaborating with Soapbox to bring you an evening of storytelling. The first of these evenings is in partnership with Porty Pride with the theme of love. Join us at Tribe Porty on June 28th to gather, be inspired, to be heard, to tell (and to listen) to stories. 

You can find out more and book your space by clicking here. Tickets will be pay what you can with proceeds going to Porty Pride. 

If you’re interested in telling and sharing a story, or know someone who might be, please email soapboxforcreatives@gmail.com with the title ‘The Story Sessions’.


Thanks for reading,



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Step up for Pride

Pride is more than a party, for allies of the community it’s an important time to step up and create inclusive change.

Pride March Edinburgh


I found it hard at times to write this year’s pride blog post. I knew I wanted to write a piece about creating inclusive culture and finding strength in community, but it’s hard to write about something that you feel should be an obvious and rightful norm. I’ve always been an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, even as a youngster before the concept of an ally existed to me. So sometimes when I speak of allyship, it frustrates me because my brain can’t see it any other way.

But I have also seen friends targeted by bigotry and hate, I’ve seen friends struggle to defend their identity, I’ve seen the consequences of an innocent person being forced to be someone they are not. Sometimes it is important to remember that you as a person are shaped by the world around you. It can become hard at times to sympathise with the ‘it was different in my day’ notion. That’s why Pride is important and that’s why spreading this message is important. 


“I was not and had never been a part of a queer community, how to access such a thing was not just a mystery but an impossibility. The loss of which was sizable. Agony in isolation, the shame and pain that I thought was mine alone.” Elliot Page: Pageboy 

How to contribute to Pride

Pride is a time to celebrate, congregate and highlight the progress that society still needs to make. Pride is a time to spark conversations, collaborations and bring attention to both achievements and injustices all over the world. As businesses, it’s time for us to step up, contribute in meaningful ways and show our communities that we are always a safe space.

To truly be involved with pride celebrations is to contribute in meaningful ways and further the cause of LGBTQ+ rights and equality. The corporate world sees far too many important issues ‘washed’ and pride is not exempt to this. Highlighting issues around consumerism and ‘washing’ shows the growing recognition that businesses have towards actively cultivating inclusion and diversity. Every person deserves to feel safe and whilst progress has been made it’s still not enough. The past decade has seen an ever growing rise in reported hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community. We must remember that inequalities and barriers still exist and we must do what is in our own reach to help. 


One in five LGBTQ+ people were the target of negative comments at work.

Over a third of LGBTQ+ people feel they need to hide who they are at work.

One in five feel that being LGBTQ+ limits their job opportunities.
-Britain in Work Report

What it means to be an ally

Being an ally is an ongoing mission and is more than putting up a flag once a month, this is at best tokenistic. We often believe in the myth of individualism, that we are independent from each other and the natural world. Whilst we do have individual agency, we show our true strengths when we collaborate and we become stronger when we act together. To move past tokenistic gestures, let’s work together to build stronger communities, safer spaces and secure workplaces. 

Even when you as an individual, an employee or an employer have good intentions, unfortunately there isn’t a button for instant inclusion. Instead it is an ongoing, ever evolving journey. Much the same, there is not a singular template that forms an inclusive workplace. Inclusivity should be seen as a process, not a quick fix. 

The best employers recognise the value in taking proactive steps to create inclusive culture and there is a wealth of information out there, the internet can be a magical place! Starting points can be as simple as developing clear policies against discrimination, diversity training and the most obvious, taking action on LGBTQ+ employee and customer feedback. As an employee, it may at times feel like an impossible task to generate change. As an ally, use your privilege to speak up and have difficult conversations with managers and bosses.

Step up and use your privilege

Being asked to understand your privilege is not an attack, it is simply acknowledging that you feel safe and valued in everyday life and recognizing that not everyone has the same experience. You can put this to work by being an effective ally and advocate for others. 

I often hear people talking around inclusive culture like it’s an impossible and bewildering task. It is okay to feel lost at times in an ever changing world, but do not stand idly by and become part of the problem. It is up to you to educate yourself, it is not someone else’s job to give you a lesson on gender identity. Engage with the LGBTQ+ community, work with other businesses that do it well and stand up for what is right. By networking with other members of the community you will not only show strong allyship, but gain invaluable experience and knowledge. 


Not sure how to step up? Start here: 


Each month, we offer Tribe Talks. A free evening hosted by a Tribe member or friend of Tribe. We are so excited to share that our next Tribe Talk is to celebrate Porty Pride! Our Porty Pride poetry evening will be hosted by the wonderful author and poet, Anne Pia. Click here to find out more and book your free ticket. 

As always, we would love to hear your thoughts, keep in touch by signing up to our newsletter below! You can find our previous blog posts by clicking here.

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