
Let’s make good things happen

It feels good to gather, connect, share, listen, breathe. Soaking up all the goodness and emotion in real time. We’ve had a wonderful month at Tribe Porty which has seen us gather in many beautiful ways. 

let's make good things happen


Tribe is a connectivity hub which promotes a healthy and happy community. Tribe aims to provide a space for nurture and growth of human potential through supporting local people in work, art and quality of life. This is done through practical opportunities and support and encouraging connections. There is evidence that people-powered health not only brings transformational change, but also economic benefits.


Places for Everyone

June saw the completion of our newly revamped yard space with new seating custom built by Move On Wood, planting by Kerry-Anne Saouter and a wonderful mural from KMG. This project was supported by Sustrans and Artroots. The aim of Places for Everyone is to create safer, more attractive, healthier, and inclusive places which are enjoyed equitably by increasing and diversifying the number of trips made by walking, wheeling or cycling for everyday journeys. Please enjoy and use our new seating, it is through these collective efforts that we can foster a stronger, more connected neighborhood.

It was great to see our outdoor space come alive during our summer party. A heartfelt thank you to all those who came to support us and make donations to Re-Act Scotland. It was fantastic to see some new faces amongst our regular members. We have several bags full to the brim ready to be taken away to Re-Act Scotland. Whilst we are no longer taking donations, you can contribute and support Re-Act Scotland by clicking here. 

June also had team member Ellie take on her first event in collaboration with Soapbox and Porty Pride. Her storytelling event brought together a group of humans ready to share with openness, kindness and honesty. 


“On Friday evening – popcorn in hand – we gathered for the first Story Sessions event, and it was glorious. Sat together, we listened to three unique stories; celebrating queer love, self discovery and partnership. To be able to connect with others, to gather, and to learn made for a very special evening.”-Ellie

Let’s collaborate

In addition to providing flexible work and coworking spaces, Tribe Porty offers unique and affordable event space for all different kinds of activities which could be ongoing or one-offs. There is a strong community of makers and social shifters who bring brilliant variety to what is on offer here.

Community coworking will always be at the heart of Tribe Porty but in an ever changing and shifting landscape the need for third places grows. We are always seeking collaborations and events that can aid in the bringing together of our community and make good things happen. We have hosted many different kinds of table top workshops, seminars, meetings and markets in this space to date. Partnerships and collaboration are a key part of Tribe and by using our space, you are supporting our work. If you are interested in hiring Tribe, please click here.

Tribe Talks

Tribe Talks are free monthly talks hosted by a Tribe member or friend of Tribe. We’ve see a whole range of talks from astrophysics to coffee tastings and womens health. Whilst Tribe Talks are on a summer hiatus it gives our team time to challenge our perspectives and question the needs of our community. Tribe Talks will be back in September so watch this space! For now, we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out a quick survey about Tribe Talks, we thank you for taking the time. Now let’s make good things happen.


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An invitation to gather

An invitation to gather


Our ability to tell stories is a uniquely human trait and has always been present in humanity, from cave paintings to podcasts. It is one of the oldest forms of communication and has been used to teach, entertain and influence people for centuries. Sharing stories has always had connection at its core with the unique power to inspire and influence our emotions. 

In the modern world storytelling has perhaps lost one of its superpowers which is to gather us, together, in person. Storytelling in Marrakech has rich and ancient roots, there is an old saying,when a storyteller dies, the library burns”. The stories told in Marrakech only exist in the minds of their narrators who share them at gatherings and take their repertoire to the grave. I keep thinking back to this phrase, it has such depth and meaning but also captures the missing piece to the modern storytelling puzzle.



Stories are used to share our thoughts, feelings and experiences. Ultimately, we make sense of the world through the receiving and giving of stories. However, due to modern technology and the rise of social media apps we are now swamped with stories. At their core, this particular type of story strives to sell you another product, desire or lifestyle. We are in the breadth of an era of quick content, another flash of a story with each swipe. Nothing nourishing, just time spent. The outcome of this is that we are both desensitized and bored. Not only have we become over informed but the substance is missing. 

We’re all hungry for authentic connection. 



Most of the stories we consume in the modern day are recorded and can be listened to anytime, anywhere. They are often rehearsed and edited, this removes the reason or necessity to gather. A story told in person is in itself alive. The story will change from one telling to the next depending on the presence and mood of the storyteller.

“The presence of teller and audience, and the immediacy of the moment, are not fully captured by any form of technology”-Joseph Bruchac

We have had the pleasure of hosting poetry evenings here at Tribe. I am always struck by the mood and presence of the room. How the shared feeling and tension can quickly shift from laughter, to sorrow, to joy and hope. There is a direct and respectful spotlight on the reader with no distractions. There’s no elaborate scenery or props, just a room of like minded people. What we are left with is a collective experience. An experience that cannot be replicated or shared outside of the space. Telling stories leaves the audience with the gift of an empathetic and shared emotional response. The teller and the listener share and experience emotion in real time, a give and take of energy.

Sacred spaces for telling stories in person are rare and more important than ever. Live storytelling gives you the power to cut through the noise and make meaningful connections to both inspire and influence. Let’s slow down. Take some time to sit with us and share stories. 

“We tell stories because we are human. But we are also made more human because we tell stories”. –Amanda Gormon


The invitation

Tribe Porty is collaborating with Soapbox to bring you an evening of storytelling. The first of these evenings is in partnership with Porty Pride with the theme of love. Join us at Tribe Porty on June 28th to gather, be inspired, to be heard, to tell (and to listen) to stories. 

You can find out more and book your space by clicking here. Tickets will be pay what you can with proceeds going to Porty Pride. 

If you’re interested in telling and sharing a story, or know someone who might be, please email soapboxforcreatives@gmail.com with the title ‘The Story Sessions’.


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