
Mother Kind at Tribe Porty

The Mother Kind group has grown in a really gentle way, and has provided a welcoming space for mums in the early stages. A lot of the mothers have been relieved to find that they are not the only ones to feel the way they do and there has been a lot of laughter along the way. There has been no fixed agenda, although we’ve talked about topics ranging from tricky relationships, to coping with holidays, to how to cope when your baby isn’t an ‘easy’ baby. There’s space for more taboo topics as well as to enjoy the lighter side of parenthood.
The group is on a drop in basis and so far we’ve regularly had 2-3 people each time. Babies’ timetables are variable things and don’t always allow mothers to get along each week, so it would be lovely to see the group grow a bit more. Please do spread the word with any local mothers you know.
And if cake is your thing, the homebaking has gone down a treat, although there’s a bit more pressure now that we have a food blogger in our midst! The group aims to be  nourishing in more ways than one…
Check out the Tribe Porty events calendar for more info on events.
