
Exploring What Matters

We’re excited to be bringing the Exploring What Matters course to Tribe Porty. Starting in April, the
course has already boosted the happiness and wellbeing of people across the UK and beyond,
offering them a chance to tune into expert points of view, reflect on what’s important to them,
discuss with likeminded individuals and plan for positive action in their own lives. The course has
been created by Action for Happiness, a movement working for a happier, more caring world and is
run in communities by volunteer facilitators – like us! For Mairi and I, running this course is about
sharing ideas that have made a difference to the way we live our lives and learning from the
perspectives and experiences of the people who choose to join us.
One of the things which I really like about for Action for Happiness is the richness of their idea of
happiness. It’s not about achieving a state of constant, unwavering upbeat emotions beamed out to
the world through a permanent smile on your face or being always at the ready to hug the next
person you meet. Rather, Action for Happiness are about the kind of happiness which blends
together compassion, stillness, connection, resilience and perspective to know that you are good,
can feel good and can do good. They are about having the practices and insights to be honest with
ourself about where we’re at emotionally, coupled with the awareness and confidence to know how
to move forward in the direction you want to travel. It’s also an understanding of happiness which
sees the pursuit of happiness as more than an individual’s quest to find personal fulfillment. It’s
about the way that finding our own happiness creates ripples of happiness which then reach out
through your family, your workplace and your community. It’s about the way that my happiness is
interdependent on your happiness.
Having said all this, it’s also important to say that this is a course which asks lots of important
questions but isn’t about giving you answers. By joining us on a Saturday morning you’ll be giving
yourself the time and space to work out and work on what matters most to you. The course
examines what success really is, how to find happiness at work and in relationships as well as how to
make a positive difference in our community. The lived experiences of those of us in the room will
work alongside the insights of the latest research into happiness and wellbeing to give each of us a
foundation on which to build our own version of ‘the good life’.
So, join us! Whether you’re aiming to make a change, want to be the change or are just curious to
know more, we’ll enjoy the opportunity to explore what matters most.
Starting 22nd April, 10am-12noon at Tribe Porty. (8weeks)

Book your place at:  https://afh-edinburgh-22-apr.eventbrite.co.uk
Contact us: happyporty@gmail.com
Keep in touch: www.facebook.com/happyporty2017

